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Gold Coast Cruisers VHF Morning Net Script


Good Morning Everybody!  Welcome to the Gold Coast Cruisers Net!

Today is Sunday, February 20th

My Name is Kelsey on Sula, I’m 8 years old and I’ll be your net controller for today.

Everyone please go ahead and switch to high power now.

Do we have any Emergency, Medical or Priority Traffic?  Any Emergency, Medical or Priority traffic, please come now.


{Wait 5 seconds - Nothing Heard}


Okay, Nothing Heard.  Lets proceed with Check Ins.  Check Ins from Barra, please come now, boat name only please.


{Boat Names}


Tenacatita, please come now with your Check Ins.


{Boat Names}


Any more Check Ins?


{Boat Names}


Okay, do we have any new Arrivals or Departures?


{Arrivals and Departures}


Okay, who has the weather for us this morning?


{S/V Harmony usually gives the weather}


Tides.  Does anyone have the Tides this morning?


{Someone gives the Tides}


General Announcements.  Any Announcements this morning?




Local Assistance.  Anybody need anything around the bay?


{People asking for parts, help, and directions}


Mail.  Do we have anyone traveling back to the states in the next few days who is willing to carry mail?


{Mail volunteers}


Rides, Crew, Lost and Found, Baywatch.  Anyone have anything?


{Often Nothing Heard}


Treasures of the Bilge.   Anyone have something they want to trade for coconuts?


{People offering up things to sell or trade}


Anything else I forgot?  Any late sleepers?


{Last minute stuff}


Okay, Jokes.   Sula has a joke.  “What did the Fish say when he swam into a wall?”    Dam.


{Mike Clicking}


Any Other Jokes?


{Other Jokes}


Okay, now the fun part of the net.  Who wants to volunteer to be Net Controller tomorrow?


{Find Someone}


Okay, Anything Else?


Alright, this concludes the Gold Coast Net for today.  Everyone please switch back to low power and the net is clear.


